Industry News Every Friday

Bringing you industry headlines
Part of our combined news service alongside CHC.NewDirections: A CHC.Newsflash Extra, this subscription-only e-publication brings you a round-up of the most important CHC industry developments each week, covering product and company news, e-Commerce, sustainability, M&A activities, essential insights from Nicholas Hall, flash data from DB6 and a great deal more.
Information without overload
Ready-prepared briefings, analysis, editorial comment and unique and entertaining insights on the self-medication industry by Nicholas Hall and the CHC.Newsflash team – in one issue.
International usage
Used daily by multinational and local companies – indeed, the most widely read specialist publication covering the CHC industry globally – our service is easy-to-use, concise and accessible, enabling you and your company to stay informed about the world of consumer healthcare. The online platform enables you to access our searchable archive and the M&A register.
Subscribers also receive our CHC.NewDirections: A CHC.Newsflash Extra every other Tuesday, and have full online access to both services.