Keep Informed About the World of Science, Regulations and Switch

CHC.NewDirections, A CHC.Newsflash Extra is part of our combined news service alongside CHC.Newsflash.
This fortnightly e-publication, covering global pharmaceutical news from the viewpoint of the consumer healthcare market and delivered every other Tuesday (with special alerts for major news stories) includes an inspired mix of news and comment backed by insights from industry experts, our Network Partners and our team.
Keeps you informed:
All the news you need to know on innovation, regulation and everything in between, including:
Innovation • Switch • New Ingredients • Major New Products • Medical Research • Digital Health • Medical Devices • E-cigarettes • Regulations
• Developments in the traditional categories, such as VMS, analgesics and CCA, alongside emerging and innovative new products and technologies, including ingredients, medical devices and digital health offerings
• Switches and reclassifications, approvals, health claims and product safety
• Updates from regulatory bodies such as the FDA, TGA, EMA and their international counterparts
All of this is delivered straight to your inbox with a fun "And Finally" section – a lighter look at a recent story – to help the information go down.
The online service features a Supplements Focus that highlights the latest research on supplements and natural products, organised by ingredient and health theme. Also available is the Switch List that identifies all the most recent information on important Rx-to-OTC switches, reverse switches and reclassifications. Both of these documents detail activity on a global scale and are also presented in a PDF archive going back to early 2012.
With CHC.NewDirections, and its sister service CHC.Newsflash, you and your company can be certain of staying informed on consumer healthcare news from across the globe. Additionally, both services offer an online searchable archive so you can access it from anywhere in the world.
Subscribers receive both services and have full online access to each.